29) Curried Prawns
Every bag of groceries that we delivered was supposed to have a sticky label attached to it with a number that corresponded to the larger label that contained the customer’s name, address and telephone number. Occasionally the labels would fall off and we would have to ask each customer if the unlabelled packet belonged to them. I remember one such packet that had apple pies in it and when we showed it to a gentleman he said that he was very sorry that it wasn’t, as his wife was giving him stew for dinner and he would much rather have apple pies. Once or twice we got to the end of the day with a packet of groceries that had no number or name on it and no one had claimed it. All we could do was take it back to the store and hope that someone would claim it the next day.
We were only obliged to take the parcels to the front door but as most of our customers were elderly and we always wanted to give a good service we usually took the shopping into the kitchen and the ladies appreciated it. One day we delivered groceries to a regular customer who lived in one of the retirement villages. The next morning when we went into Coles one of the staff asked us if we had seen a packet of frozen curried prawns. We assured her that we had not and she told us that our customer had phoned in to ask what had happened to her curried prawns, as she could not find them. We had not been particularly busy the previous day and had not had any problems with labels. We were pretty sure that if the lady had bought the prawns we had delivered them but we checked in the car and in the large freezer at the rear of the store but no prawns could be found.
The staff at Coles were always so polite and helpful to the customers (The customer is always right?) so they told the lady that if she brought her till docket in the next time she was in the store they would replace her lost packet of Curried Prawns. We went off and did some more deliveries and when we came back all the girls were having a good laugh. The front of store manager for the day told us that the lady had rung back about her prawns. She had found them in her freezer, she had no idea how they got there she said, “Jonny must have put them there” The Coles staff thought it was hilariously funny to think of Jonny sneaking in to the kitchen and hiding the packet in the freezer. We always tried to give a good service and help where we could but we did not go that far. I would often joke with the customers that I could make a fortune if I started a service putting the groceries away in the cupboards and they always said “Yes please, I hate that job” Can you imagine it? One would get phone calls all day “Marina where did you put the baked beans/corn flakes/ toilet rolls or whatever?”
We were only obliged to take the parcels to the front door but as most of our customers were elderly and we always wanted to give a good service we usually took the shopping into the kitchen and the ladies appreciated it. One day we delivered groceries to a regular customer who lived in one of the retirement villages. The next morning when we went into Coles one of the staff asked us if we had seen a packet of frozen curried prawns. We assured her that we had not and she told us that our customer had phoned in to ask what had happened to her curried prawns, as she could not find them. We had not been particularly busy the previous day and had not had any problems with labels. We were pretty sure that if the lady had bought the prawns we had delivered them but we checked in the car and in the large freezer at the rear of the store but no prawns could be found.
The staff at Coles were always so polite and helpful to the customers (The customer is always right?) so they told the lady that if she brought her till docket in the next time she was in the store they would replace her lost packet of Curried Prawns. We went off and did some more deliveries and when we came back all the girls were having a good laugh. The front of store manager for the day told us that the lady had rung back about her prawns. She had found them in her freezer, she had no idea how they got there she said, “Jonny must have put them there” The Coles staff thought it was hilariously funny to think of Jonny sneaking in to the kitchen and hiding the packet in the freezer. We always tried to give a good service and help where we could but we did not go that far. I would often joke with the customers that I could make a fortune if I started a service putting the groceries away in the cupboards and they always said “Yes please, I hate that job” Can you imagine it? One would get phone calls all day “Marina where did you put the baked beans/corn flakes/ toilet rolls or whatever?”