12) Moving Day.
In Gosford we collected the keys from the agent and then unloaded all our things. As we were living on the top floor everything had to be carried up the stairs so Jonny and Dominic worked very hard that day. Our new fridge was not expected to arrive until the Monday morning but it would not have been much use to us anyway because when we got into our house we discovered that there was a power failure and we had no electricity. By the time we had unloaded it was very hot, a truly scorching day. I remember listening to the news on our borrowed portable radio and hearing that there were big fires blazing in Canberra. They had started burning in a nature reserve but were now blazing out of control and heading for private homes.
Once we had put everything in place we took a trip to the shopping centre at Bateau Bay to buy some food and a few basics. We found that the power cut was quite widespread and that the electricity was off in the shops too. The large supermarkets had generators to keep their fridges, freezers and tills going but there was not enough power to light the shop properly. Have you ever tried to shop in semi-darkness in a strange shop, it was pretty hard? Some of the other smaller shops were trying to battle on without the electricity. They were using candles for lighting but the biggest problem was the cash registers and the credit card machines. The ones I felt most sorry for were the hairdressers. They had customers with wet hair waiting for the power to dry it. In one of the hairdresser the boss had opened a couple of bottles of champagne and served it to his wet headed customers. It looked as if it was turning into quite a party, at least those ladies would have pleasant memories of the day the lights went out at Bateau Bay. Most of the smaller stores had just given up though and shut up shop and gone home.
After we had eaten our supper the three of us took a walk on the beach. It was a lovely evening after the heat of the day and we felt privileged to be living so close to the sea. A five minute stroll and then down a flight of steps and we were on the beach that we thought and we still think is one of the loveliest in the area, (maybe the loveliest in the whole of Australia)
Later in the evening we listened to the news on the radio and heard how the situation in Canberra had deteriorated quite dramatically, with fire spreading to many residential areas. Different reports gave different numbers of the homes that were destroyed some said 430 and others said it was as many as 530. It was certain that 4 people lost their lives that terrible weekend. Canberra had been founded in 1913 and had a history of powerful bushfires with major ones in 1926, 1939 and 1952 but none of them caused such a loss of property as the fires of 18th January 2003.